I currently write a regular blog for thisisbristol, the online version of The Post, Bristol's local newspaper.
I am deputy editor and resident Labour blogger at the cross-party political site Speaker's Chair, as well as being contributing editor to the centre-left blog Shifting Grounds.

"Debt rising, jobs stagnating: should the young think twice before attending university?" - 16 November 2012
"No excuses, our leaders should debate on TV in 2015" - 30 October 2012

"Seven facts everyone should know about immigration" - 22 December 2012

"Bristol City's Plan B will soon put paid to Ashton Vale" - 13 February 2013
"We don't need "snow wardens." We need community spirit and personal responsibility" - 20 January 2013
"The Mayor deserves £65k a year. Now time to pay councillors a full-time salary" - 16 January 2013
"Christmas period means more victims of domestic abuse" - 21 December 2012
"Census and council figures reveal Bristol's sharp divide" - 14 December 2012
"Bristol City should abandon its new stadium plans. For now" - 4 December 2012
"Labour councillors undermined by party's blinkered governing body" - 26 November 2012
"It's a no brainer: if invited, Labour should join Ferguson's cabinet" - 21 November 2012
"Why George Ferguson won, or why Labour lost" - 20 November 2012

"At last, Labour understands voters' concern on immigration" - 19 December 2012
"The audacity to hope again" - 7 November 2012
"Eight observations from the final presidential debate" - 23 October 2012
"Ten observations from the presidential debate" - 17 October 2012
"Cameron the 'optimist' has never seemed more out of touch" - 12 October 2012
"The Times, polling, and Labour's challenge" - 2 October 2012
"Labour must be ready for a Tory onslaught" - 18 September 2012
"Buses, the overlooked option" - 21 August 2012
"London 2012: "Brand Boris" marches on" - 14 August 2012
"London 2012 understands what it means to be British" - 8 August 2012
"If it's broke, don't fix it" - 31 July 2012
"Identity and the missing five million" - 25 July 2012
"Cameron and Clegg need each other more than ever" - 16 July 2012
"Now is not the time to ditch Jamie Oliver" - 11 July 2012
"Flexible working should be the norm" - 18 June 2012
"More grammar schools please, but open them up" - 11 June 2012
"Labour should make a stand on civil liberties" - 22 May 2012
"Return of the New Labour big beasts" - 16 May 2012
"The coalition: two years on" - 8 May 2012

"The Left, "Englishness" and voting conservative" - 16 June 2012
"Responding to the riots: We need more than fuzzy buzz words from the government" - 1 April 2012
"England in Sri Lanka: When sport and politics collide" - 15 March 2012
"Why haven't we intervened in Syria? Is Iraq to blame? Is Libya" - 27 February 2012
"We're all economists now, part two" - 5 February 2012
"We're all economists now, part one" - 4 February 2012
"Must the left give up on the EU?" - 17 December 2011
"Anger with police sparked the riots" - 4 December 2011
"IDS jumped the gun: Gangs had nothing to do with the riots" - 10 November 2011
"Occupy London needs to catalyse a new Left"** - 27 October 2011
"Making sense of Belgium's political impasse" - 14 October 2011
"Britain continues to pay service to human rights when exporting weapons"* - 16 September 2011
"How the 9/11 response changed Britain" - 11 September 2011
"Grayling's tabloid pandering gone mad" - 29 August 2011
"The railways: Yet another broken market in the UK" - 19 August 2011
"When a Liberal is Mugged by Reality" - 11 August 2011
**This article was also reproduced by The Samosa - 30 October 2011
*This article was also reproduced by the human rights and equality publication, The Samosa - 18 September 2011

"The backlash to Credit Ratings Agencies gathers steam" - 13 March 2012
"Women's rights under attack in Israel" - 15 December 2011
"Is our intervention in Libya already back-firing in our faces?" - 7 November 2011
"After bombing Libya, Tories now want to sell them weapons" - 27 October 2011
"How far should government get involved to reduce obesity?" - 21 October 2011
"Why Obama's base will come back to him in the end" - 24 September 2011

"Tax should be taxing" - 12 April 2012
"7 Steps To Re-election" - 2 April 2012
"Labour and the Next Election" - 23 March 2012

"Miliband's Progress speech was virtually ignored. That's a worry" - 14 May 2013
"George Osborne has a point on Philpott. Labour is dangerously out of sync with public opinion" - 8 April 2013
"Bristol's Labour councillors have been undermined by a blinkered NEC" - 27 November 2012
"HS2: The evidence finally catches up with the government" - 18 June 2012
"When does a protest vote stop being a protest?" 20 April 2012
"The Lib Dem's amazing adventure" - 9 April 2012

"The Economy, not UKIP, will decide the next election" - 9 May 2013
"BBC caves in with a decision that will please nobody" - 12 April 2013
"Labour's poll lead may be soft, but the Tories have most to fear" - 12 March 2013
"Only UKIP have reason to celebrate in Eastleigh" - 1 March 2013
"A Lib-Lab coalition would require some sturdy nose pegs" - 13 January 2013
"The audacity to hope again" - 7 November 2012
"Ten observations from the second presidential debate" - 17 October 2012
"Nick Clegg: If you really want to apologise, withdraw from the coalition" - 20 September 2012
"End this grade inflation debate and listen to employers" - 28 August 2012
"The Sun left playing catch up as the blogosphere one step ahead again" - 24 August 2012
"Latest mega Tory poll: Cameron still their best asset" - 23 July 2012
"Labour's biggest risk: renationalising the railways" - 5 July 2012
"Syria: International paralysis" - 31 May 2012
"Tuition fees: Students have the right to ask for quality and more teaching" - 21 May 2012
"Directly elected mayors: Bristol bucks the trend" - 4 May 2012
"London Mayoral Election: A Victory for Presidential Politics" - 1 May 2012
"French presidential election: It's not just the high tax that the French are escaping" - 27 April 2012
"Opinion poll lead: but will being Labour be enough?" - 24 April 2012
"Ed Miliband is doing just fine" - 22 April 2012

"We're all economists now" (part three) - 1 February 2012
"We're all economists now" (part two) - 31 January 2012
"We're all economists now" (part one) - 30 January 2012
"The £32bn Great Train Robbery" - 18 January 2012
"The EU: Getting Harder to Defend" - 15 December 2011
"The case for elected mayors" - 28 November 2011
"The £32bn Great Train Robbery" - 20 January 2012
"Generalisms" - 22 April 2011
"Cutting if fine in Mons" - 19 February 2010
Work Recommended:
I have also had articles recommended:
By The New Statesman:
On: Health and Safety, The Arms Trade, Libya and Women's rights in Israel.
By Politics Home:
On: Health and Safety and Belgian Politics